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  >> Activated carbon sintering furnace
  >> Shrink-on MF induction heating equipment
  >> Carbon tube furnace
  >> Activated carbon sintering furnace
  >> Experiment type high temp graphitization furnace
  >> Jinrui High temperature graphitization furnace
  >> Lithium battery anode material graphitization furnace
  >> high temperature graphitization furnace
  >> 15KGJinrui steel steel smelting furnace
  >> Vacuum induction smelting furnace


 Technical:Mr Luo 0086-13973343673


Jinrui MHF equipment LTD personnel recruitment center

Time:[2007/6/25]     Click:1498
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Salesman: Anumber of regional agents sales. Have working experience is preferred.
Electrician: 5 Have working experience is preferred.






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Address:Dafeng Industrial Park,Hetang District,Zhuzhou City,,Hunan Province.
Telephone:0086-0731-22161829   Fax:0086-0731-28814563
Technical:Mr Luo 0086-13973343673   Email:hnzzjr@163.com  Postcode :412003